Navigating the New Normal…Where it all leads(Pt.2)

2 min readMay 10, 2020

It took me a while to get it. It took me a while to get here. Maybe longer than I should, but hey! I'm here and that's all that matters. As a child, I had cultural fantasies of how I wanted my life to flow. The patterns, rhythms, the kind of melodies, and the message it should read.

I wasn't wrong to have such wishful thinking. I had all the willfulness to see it come to fruition, but even more, I was sure I had control over these things.

The beauty of life that I have come to know is such that you never know. One never fully understands it. Things happen on a daily basis that trumps what we think we know or what we know to be.

All of life is weaved in ways that time and time again we can only strive to grasp.

Watching people come and go, experiencing first hand what pains feel like closely followed by a wave of happiness are the little mysteries that keep the balance. Its an oddly exhilarating existential scape but not for long. Not for long.

Ever so often we are told life humbles us and rightly so. We are in a timeline that shows the fragility of human life and we are reminded that life owes us nothing. At the very least we are occupants of a world that gives what it deems fit.

The onus is on us to make what we can of where we find ourselves.

So this is all new. This is not the way we know to live our lives. It is not exactly the best time either but change is the only constant. This kind of change doesn't help the transformation either, heck, we don't know the day of the week anymore. We don’t know what to make of the present, or what follows.

So what’s next, we survive. We adapt or die. That’s all we got now.

